For many individuals I have worked with they have felt stuck, because they are not replenishing their own pieces, instead they are relying on the comfort of being with others to feel “whole” once again. It is important to practice activities that you can do on YOUR OWN and can truly enjoy your on company.
Yes, being alone, such a scary ritual for many to practice because we are told repeatedly during the course of life to build healthy relationships with others. Especially for those of us who grew up around communities including Latinx/Hispanic, Caribbean, African/American, Black, Native Americans, Asians, and the list goes on. Where our individual success is defined by the success of our families (groups). For example, if you are a first generation from an immigrant family, then once you are "successful", have a career, family, etc; then you are EXPECTED to help your parents/siblings continue building their own success, primarily being a financial support system for them.
Here are some examples that I have personally practiced during undergrad, grad school, and now in my profession.
- Listening to a podcast while drinking your favorite coffee drink.
- Going out for a run to release stress hormones.
- Following a workout routine video
- Cooking/Baking
- Reorganizing a space in your home, I often do my kitchen since we constantly need to pack and replenish.
- Writing a blog post or journaling.
- Listening to music while going our for a solo drive
- Traveling (ALONE, of course)
- and the list goes on...